Blackberry Cordial

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The fruits of the autumnal hedgerows provide this inexpensive and flavorsome drink.


  • 5 lbs. blackberries, cleaned and whole

  • 2 pints cold water

  • 2 oz citric acid

  • 1 ½ lbs. preserving sugar to every pint of strained juice


  1. Put the blackberries into a large pan and cover with water and citric acid.

  2. Stir frequently, but without breaking or bruising the fruit or the cordial will be dull.

  3. Cover and leave to steep overnight.

  4. Next day, strain the juice through muslin or a fine sieve into a large saucepan.

  5. To each pint of juice add 1 ½ lbs. preserving sugar.

  6. Heat gently, stirring to dissolve the sugar, then bring to the boil and boil for 10 minutes.

  7. Leave to cool then strain again into clean bottles with screw tops.

Courtesy of “Favourite Farmhouse Recipes”, compiled by Carole Gregory and published by J. Salmon Ltd.