Sultana Cake

For a printable version of this recipe, click here.

This fruitcake, which includes marmalade in its ingredients, improves in flavour if left for 48 hours before cutting.


  • 1 lb. sultanas

  • 8 oz butter

  • 1 tablespoon marmalade

  • 12 oz plain flour

  • 2 level teaspoons baking powder

  • Pinch of salt

  • 1 level teaspoon mixed spice

  • 12 oz caster sugar

  • 3 eggs, beaten


  1. Set oven to 325 Fahrenheit or mark three.

  2. Grease and line a 10-inch round cake tin.

  3. Put the sultanas into a large saucepan and barely cover with water.

  4. Bring to the boil and boil for 5 minutes.

  5. Drain the fruit well and return to the pan.

  6. Add the butter cut up into small pieces, to the fruit in the pan.

  7. Stir until it has melted and then add the marmalade.

  8. Leave to cool.

  9. Meanwhile sift the flour, baking powder, salt, and spice into a large bowl.

  10. Beat the sugar and eggs together well, add the flour mixture and lastly add the fruit mixture.

  11. Blend well and turn into a prepared tin.

  12. Bake for one hour then lower oven to 300 Fahrenheit or mark two and bake for a further 30 minutes or until a skewer inserted comes out clean.

  13. Turn out and cool on a wire rack.

Courtesy of “Favourite Farmhouse Recipes”, compiled by Carole Gregory and published by J. Salmon Ltd.

Date and Walnut Cake

For a printable version of this recipe, click here.

A tray bake covered with a soft butterscotch icing.



  • 8 oz chopped dates

  • 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda

  • 3 oz butter

  • 8 oz sugar

  • 1 large egg

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence

  • 10 oz plain flour

  • 1 teaspoon baking powder

  • ½ teaspoon salt


  • 2 ½ tablespoons demerara sugar

  • 1 tablespoon butter

  • 1 tablespoon cream

  • Chopped walnuts for decoration


  1. Set oven to 350 Fahrenheit or mark four. Greece and line a 12-inch by 9-inch baking tin. Pour one breakfast cup of boiling water over 8 ounces of chopped dates and add 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda. Let this stand while mixing the main ingredients. Cream together the butter and sugar in a bowl. Add the beaten eggs and stir in the vanilla essence. Add the flour, baking powder and salt. Add the date mixture to the cake mixture and mix well. Put into the tin, spread out and bake for 40 minutes. When cooked cover with icing. Leave to cool, then turn out and cut into squares or slices.

  2. Icing: Mix the ingredients in a saucepan. Heat gently to bring to the boil, and boil for three minutes stirring occasionally continuously. Allowed to call a little and pour evenly over the cake period to finish, scatter with chopped walnuts.

Courtesy of “Favourite Farmhouse Recipes”, compiled by Carole Gregory and published by J. Salmon Ltd.

Ginger Griddle Scone

For a printable version of this recipe, click here.

These ginger-flavored scones are delicious eaten warm, split, and spread thickly with butter.


  • 8 oz plain flour

  • 1 level teaspoon bicarbonate of soda

  • Pinch of salt

  • 1 level teaspoon ground ginger

  • 2 oz hard margarine

  • 2 oz caster sugar

  • ¼ pint milk

  • 2 level teaspoons cream of tartar


  1. Sift the flour, bicarbonate of soda, salt, and ginger into a bowl.

  2. Rub in the margarine and stir in the sugar.

  3. Dissolve the cream of tartar in the milk and use to bind the mixture to form a soft dough.

  4. Knead with floured hands and divide the dough into two portions on a flowered surface.

  5. Form each portion into a flattened circle and cut into four.

  6. Place the eight scones on a hot griddle or heavy based frying pan and cook for 5 minutes on each side.

  7. Serve warm.

Courtesy of “Favourite Farmhouse Recipes”, compiled by Carole Gregory and published by J. Salmon Ltd.

Gooseberry Flan

For a printable version of this recipe, click here.

A truly superior fruit dessert. Serves six.


  • 6 oz shortcrust pastry

  • 1 lb. gooseberries, topped and tailed

  • 2 heads of elderflower, cleaned

  • 6 tablespoons white wine

  • 4 tablespoons clear honey, warmed

  • 2 beaten eggs

  • Pinch of ground nutmeg

  • Pinch of salt

  • ¼ pint double cream


  1. Set oven to 375 Fahrenheit or mark five.

  2. Grease an 8 inch loose bottom flan tin.

  3. Roll out the pastry on a flowered surface, line the tin and trim the edge.

  4. Meanwhile, put the gooseberries in a saucepan with the elder flower heads and the wine.

  5. Cover and simmer very gently until the fruit is tender, this takes about 20 minutes.

  6. Remove the elder flowers.

  7. Stir the mixture and beat well with a fork then rub through a sieve into a clean bowl.

  8. Add the warmed honey and then the beaten eggs, nutmeg, salt, and cream.

  9. Mix well and pour into the pastry case.

  10. Bake for about 40 minutes until firm and golden brown.

  11. Serve chilled with a jug of cream.

Courtesy of “Favourite Farmhouse Recipes”, compiled by Carole Gregory and published by J. Salmon Ltd.

Brown Bread Ice Cream

For a printable version of this recipe, click here.

A delicious frozen, rum-flavored concoction of brown bread crumbs and whipped cream. Serves six.


  • ½ pint double cream

  • 4 oz brown breadcrumbs

  • ¼ pint single cream

  • 2 eggs, separated

  • 3 oz sifted icing sugar

  • 1 teaspoon rum


  1. Whisk the double cream until stiff and then gradually whisk in the single cream.

  2. Fold in the sugar and bread crumbs.

  3. Whisk together the egg yolks and rum and fold into the mixture.

  4. Lastly, beat the egg whites until stiff and folding carefully with a metal spoon.

  5. Turn the mixture into a freezer-proof container and freeze for at least four hours before serving.

Courtesy of “Favourite Farmhouse Recipes”, compiled by Carole Gregory and published by J. Salmon Ltd.

Raspberry Cake

For a printable version of this recipe, click here.

A luscious sandwich cake filled with fresh raspberries and whipped cream.


  • 4 oz soft margarine

  • 4 oz caster sugar

  • 5 oz self-rising flour

  • 1 packet raspberry flavored Blanc-mange powder

  • 2 eggs, beaten

  • 1 tablespoon warm water

  • ½ lb. fresh raspberries

  • 5 oz whipped cream


  1. Set oven to 375 Fahrenheit or mark five.

  2. Grease and line two 7-inch round sandwich tins.

  3. Cream the margarine and sugar together in a bowl until fluffy then beat in the eggs, flour, and Blanc-marge powder, add the warm water, and mix well.

  4. Put half the mixture into each of the tins and bake for 20 minutes until firm.

  5. Turn out onto a wire rack to cool and, when cold, sandwich with whipped cream and raspberries sweetened to taste.

Courtesy of “Favourite Farmhouse Recipes”, compiled by Carole Gregory and published by J. Salmon Ltd.

Summer Pudding

For a printable version of this recipe, click here.

This delicious and quintessentially English cold pudding consists of a bread lining soaked with lightly cooked and juicy summer soft fruits. Serves four to six.


  • 1-1 ½ lb fruit (a mixture of raspberries, strawberries, redcurrants, blackberries etc.)

  • Sugar to taste

  • Scant ¼ pint water

  • 4-6 slices medium sliced bread

  • 5 oz whipped cream


  1. Take a 2-pint pudding basin.

  2. Put the currents with sufficient sugar to taste into a pan with water.

  3. Simmer gently until almost soft, add the raspberries and strawberries and cook for a further 3 minutes.

  4. Meanwhile cut the crust off the bread and then cut the bread to fit the base and sides of the basin.

  5. Put the fruit mixture into the basin reserving 2-3 oz of juice.

  6. Top with the remaining bread, pressing down firmly.

  7. Cover the basin with a saucer to fit the top exactly, place about 1 pound weight on top and leave in the refrigerator overnight.

  8. Turn out on a serving dish just before serving and use the reserved juice to cover any parts of the bread which have remained white.

  9. Serve with whipped cream.

Courtesy of “Favourite Farmhouse Recipes”, compiled by Carole Gregory and published by J. Salmon Ltd.

Lemon Dessert

For a printable version of this recipe, click here.

This cream-covered, lemon-flavored gateau makes a party treat. Serves 5 to 6.


  • 1 packet trifle sponges or 1 home-made fatless sponge

  • 4 oz soft margarine

  • 4 oz caster sugar

  • 4 eggs, separated

  • 2 large lemons

  • ¼ pint double cream

  • 5 glace cherries

  • 5 chocolate squares


  1. Butter a 1-pound loaf tin well.

  2. Cream the margarine and sugar together in a bowl until fluffy.

  3. Add the egg yolks.

  4. Whisk the egg whites until stiff and fold into the mixture, then add the grated rind and juice of the two lemons. Do not worry if the mixture curdles.

  5. Cut the sponges lengthwise and put a layer of sponge on the base of the tin then add a layer of lemon mixture, continuing alternately and finishing the with a layer of sponge on top.

  6. Cover with kitchen foil and put in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

  7. When required, turn out onto a flat serving dish.

  8. Completely cover with whipped cream and decorate the top with a line of cherries and chocolate squares, placed alternately.

  9. Serve chilled.

Courtesy of “Favourite Farmhouse Recipes”, compiled by Carole Gregory and published by J. Salmon Ltd.

Summer Soup

For a printable version of this recipe, click here.

A chilled soup made with the freshest of summer vegetables. Serves 4 to 6.


  • 2 oz butter

  • 1 onion, finely chopped

  • 1 rasher bacon, cut into pieces

  • ½ cucumber, peeled and cubed

  • 1 medium potato, cubed

  • 2 large heads of lettuce, cleaned and shredded

  • 2 oz flour

  • Salt and pepper

  • Pinch of dried mixed herbs

  • ¾ pint chicken or ham stock

  • ¾ pint milk

  • Croutons to garnish


  1. Melt the butter in a large saucepan, add the onion, bacon, cucumber, and potato and fry gently for a few minutes to soften.

  2. Mix well.

  3. Add the lettuce, cover, and cook for 5 minutes more.

  4. Sprinkle in the flour and seasoning and mix.

  5. Add the herbs and stock and mix together.

  6. Bring to a boil and when the mixture thickens add the milk and simmer gently until the potato is cooked.

  7. Blend together in a food processor or use a potato masher.

  8. Return to the pan, heat through, and serve with fried croutons.

Courtesy of “Favourite Farmhouse Recipes”, compiled by Carole Gregory and published by J. Salmon Ltd.

Turkey Broth

For a printable version of this recipe, click here.

This sustaining soup is a useful means of using up the remains of a roast Turkey. Serves 6.


  • 2 oz butter

  • 1 onion, finely chopped

  • 1 large carrot, finely cubed

  • 8 oz potato, peeled and cubed

  • 1 stick celery, chopped

  • 8 oz cooked turkey, diced

  • 4 oz peas

  • 4 oz runner beans, sliced

  • 1 oz flour

  • Pinch dried mixed herbs

  • 1 teaspoon curry powder

  • 1 ½ pints chicken stock

  • ½ pint creamy milk

  • Salt and pepper

  • Chopped fresh parsley

  • Paprika to garnish


  1. Melt the butter in a large saucepan, add all the vegetables except the peas and beans and fry gently for a few minutes to soften.

  2. Stir in the Curry powder and cook for a few minutes.

  3. Add the flour, mix in and gradually stir in the stock.

  4. Add the herbs, bring to the boil, cover, and simmer gently for 40 minutes.

  5. Add the peas, beans, and Turkey meat and simmer for 15 minutes, then add the milk and chopped parsley and season to taste.

  6. When hot, serve with a sprinkle of paprika on top of each bowl.

Courtesy of “Favourite Farmhouse Recipes”, compiled by Carole Gregory and published by J. Salmon Ltd.

Mushroom Soup

For a printable version of this recipe, click here.

Made mushroom soup tastes so much better than the normal tinned varieties. Serves 4 to 6.


  • 8 oz large flat mushrooms, finely chopped

  • 2 medium onions, peeled and very finely chopped

  • 2 oz butter

  • 2 oz flour

  • 2 pints strongly flavored chicken stock

  • 1 tablespoon rice

  • 1 bay leaf

  • Salt and pepper

  • 1 tablespoon dry sherry

  • Chopped leaves of lemon balm to garnish


  1. Wipe the mushrooms with a damp cloth.

  2. Do not peel but chop them very finely. Melt one ounce of butter in a frying pan, add the chopped onion and mushrooms and cook for a few minutes, covered.

  3. Remove the lid, add the rest of the butter and, when melted, stir in the flour and the stock.

  4. Add the rice, Bay leaf and seasoning.

  5. Simmer very gently for 20 minutes until the rice is tender.

  6. Remove the Bay leaf and check the seasoning.

  7. Add the Sherry, reheat and serve hot, garnished with chopped lemon balm (or an herb of your choice).

Courtesy of “Favourite Farmhouse Recipes”, compiled by Carole Gregory and published by J. Salmon Ltd.

Cock-a Leekie

For a printable version of this recipe, click here.

More than a soup - a traditional Scottish specialty. Serves 4.


  • One 2 ½ lb. oven ready fresh chicken

  • 1 lb. leeks, trimmed and sliced

  • 2 pints hot water and 2 chicken stock cubes

  • Bouquet Garni

  • Salt and black pepper

  • 12 no-soak prunes (optional)

  • A little cornflour to thicken

  • Chopped fresh parsley to garnish


  1. Put the chicken with the leeks into a large saucepan.

  2. Dissolve the stock cubes in the water and add to the pan with the bouquet garni.

  3. Bring to the boil and remove any scum.

  4. Cover the pan and simmer very gently for 1 to 1 1/2 hours until the chicken is tender.

  5. Remove the chicken from the pan, skin it and cut the meat into neat pieces.

  6. Return the meat to the pan and season to taste.

  7. If using prunes, add now and simmer for a further 20 minutes.

  8. Thicken with a little corn flour mixed to a cream with water and add the chopped parsley.

  9. The flavour improves if this dish is made the day before it is required.

Courtesy of “Favourite Farmhouse Recipes”, compiled by Carole Gregory and published by J. Salmon Ltd.

Chicken and Apple Cheesebake

For a printable version of this recipe, click here.

An unusual supper dish with a crispy topping finished with buttered apple slices. Serves 4.


  • 12 oz cooked chicken, diced

  • 5 oz orange pippin apples

  • 4 oz butter

  • ½ pint white sauce

  • 4 oz grated cheddar cheese

  • 4 tablespoons toasted white breadcrumbs

  • Salt and black pepper


  1. Set oven to 400 Fahrenheit or mark six.

  2. Butter a shallow oven proof dish.

  3. Peel, core, and slice four of the apples and fry them gently in the butter.

  4. Arrange the chicken pieces at the bottom of the dish and arrange the apple slices on top.

  5. Make half a pint of white sauce.

  6. Mix 3 ounces of cheese into the white sauce and pour over the apples; season.

  7. Mix the bread crumbs with the remaining 1 ounce of cheese and sprinkle over the sauce.

  8. Core the one remaining apple cut into rings unpeeled and toss in the leftover apple butter.

  9. Arrange neatly on top of the dish.

  10. Bake for 20 to 30 minutes until crisp and golden.

Courtesy of “Favourite Farmhouse Recipes”, compiled by Carole Gregory and published by J. Salmon Ltd.

Sausage Pie

For a printable version of this recipe, click here.

This pie made with sausage meat is very adaptable. It can be eaten hot or cold and is a very useful addition to the picnic hamper. Serves 4-6.


  • 8 oz shortcrust pastry

  • ¾ lb. pork sausage meat

  • 1 small onion, finely chopped

  • 1 level teaspoon chopped chives

  • 1 level teaspoon chopped parsley

  • 2 tablespoons chicken stock

  • 1 small egg, beaten

  • Salt and black pepper


  1. Set oven to 375 or mark five.

  2. Grease and 8-inch oven proof pie dish.

  3. Roll out the pastry on a flowered surface and use 2/3 to line the pie dish.

  4. In a bowl, and using only half the quantity of beaten egg, mix together all the ingredients very well with a fork.

  5. Place the mixture in the pie dish and level off.

  6. Top with a pastry lid and trim and flute the edges with the back of a knife; make a steam hole in the center.

  7. Glaze the pastry with the remaining beaten egg.

  8. Bake for 15 minutes then reduce oven to 325 Fahrenheit or mark three and continue baking for 30 to 45 minutes until the pie is cooked through.

  9. Serve hot with vegetables or cold with salad.

Courtesy of “Favourite Farmhouse Recipes”, compiled by Carole Gregory and published by J. Salmon Ltd.

Minced Beef Casserole

For a printable version of this recipe, click here.

A dish that is best made the day before is required, so as to improve the flavor. Serves 6 to 8.


  • 2 lb. lean minced beef

  • 2 large onions, sliced

  • 3 tablespoons seasoned flour

  • 4 oz swede or turnips, cubed

  • 3 tablespoons cooking oil

  • 2 pints water and 2 beef stock cubes

  • 2 oz mushrooms, sliced

  • 1 small can tomatoes

  • 4 carrots, cubed

  • Pinch of mixed herbs

  • 2 sticks celery, sliced

  • Salt and pepper

  • 2 teaspoons brown sugar


  1. Set oven to 300 Fahrenheit or mark two.

  2. Heat the oil in a large frying pan.

  3. Mix the meat with the seasoned flour and fry until well browned.

  4. Transfer to a casserole dish.

  5. Put the fresh vegetables in the frying pan, cover and sweat for a few minutes, then add the rest of the ingredients and mix well.

  6. Check the seasoning.

  7. Pour over the meat in the casserole and stir well.

  8. Cover tightly and cook slowly for about 1 ½ hours.

  9. Served with French fried potatoes and a green vegetable.

Courtesy of “Favourite Farmhouse Recipes”, compiled by Carole Gregory and published by J. Salmon Ltd.

Cheesy Leeks with Ham

For a printable version of this recipe, click here.

A simple light supper dish. If the leaks are too long, use 4 cut in half. Serves 4.


  • 8 young leeks

  • 8 thin slices of cooked ham

  • 1 ½ oz butter

  • ½ oz flour

  • ½ pint milk

  • ¼ pint water, reserved from cooking leeks

  • 6 oz grated cheddar cheese

  • 1 teaspoon made English mustard

  • Salt and black pepper


  1. Butter a shallow, ovenproof dish well.

  2. Wash the leeks well and cook in salted boiling water until tender.

  3. Drain well, reserving a quarter pint of water for the sauce.

  4. Wrap a slice of ham around each leek, place in the oven-proof dish, and keep warm.

  5. Melt the butter in a small pan, stir in the flour, and cook for one minute.

  6. Remove from the heat and gradually stir in the milk and reserved leek stock.

  7. Return to the heat and stir constantly until the mixture thickens.

  8. Stir in 4 ounces of grated cheese and the mustard and seasoning.

  9. Pour the sauce over the leeks.

  10. Sprinkle with the remaining grated cheese and place the dish under a hot grill until it is brown and bubbling.

  11. Serve with whole meal bread.

Courtesy of “Favourite Farmhouse Recipes”, compiled by Carole Gregory and published by J. Salmon Ltd.

Gloucestershire Pie

For a printable version of this recipe, click here.

Variation of shepherd’s pie using slices of cooked lamb rather than minced lamb and including sliced cooking apples. Serves four.


  • 1 lb. lean lamb, cooked and sliced

  • 1 lb. onions, peeled and thinly sliced

  • 1 lb. cooking apples. Peeled, cored, and thinly sliced

  • ½- ¾ lb. swede, peeled and diced

  • ½- ¾ lb. potatoes, peeled and diced

  • 2 oz butter

  • Salt and pepper

  • Pinch each of dried rosemary and ground nutmeg

  • ½ pint rich gravy or thickened stock


  1. Set oven to 375 Fahrenheit or mark 5.

  2. Put the onions and apples in a saucepan, cover with water and bring to the boil.

  3. Boil for 5 minutes and drain well.

  4. Meanwhile, boil the swede for 10 minutes, then add the potatoes and cook until both are soft.

  5. Drain well and mash together until smooth.

  6. Grease and ovenproof dish with the butter.

  7. Place layers of meat, onion, and apple in the dish, seasoning and sprinkling each layer with herbs as the dish is filled up.

  8. Pour in the gravy and top with the mashed potato and swede mixture.

  9. Spread evenly with a fork, dot with butter and bake, uncovered, for 3/4 to one hour until browned on top.

  10. Serve with green vegetables.

Courtesy of “Favourite Farmhouse Recipes”, compiled by Carole Gregory and published by J. Salmon Ltd.

Ham and Cheese Toasties

For a printable version of this recipe, click here.

A superior form of cheese on toast. Serves 4.


  • 4 slices bread

  • 4 thin slices of cooked ham

  • 1 tablespoon of chutney (to flavored choice)

  • 4 oz grated cheese

  • 1 small egg, beaten

  • Black pepper

  • 4 tomatoes halved and grilled

  • Paprika to decorate

  • Watercress sprigs to garnish


  1. Preheat the grill.

  2. Toast the bread on one side only.

  3. Butter the untoasted side and place a slice of ham on each slice of bread.

  4. Spread a layer of the flavored chutney over the ham.

  5. Mix the cheese, egg, and pepper together and spread evenly over the chutney.

  6. Place under a hot grill until the cheese melts and is golden brown.

  7. Sprinkle paprika over the top and garnish with two halves of grilled tomatoes and a sprig of watercress on each plate.

  8. Served with sprinkled Worcestershire sauce.

Courtesy of “Favourite Farmhouse Recipes”, compiled by Carole Gregory and published by J. Salmon Ltd.

Kidney and Sausage Casserole

For a printable version of this recipe, click here.

The sauteed lamb’s kidneys lift this dish above the level of the usual sausage Stew. Serves 6.


  • 6 lamb’s kidneys

  • 1 oz flour

  • 1 oz butter

  • 12 baby onions

  • ¼ lb. button mushrooms

  • 1 tablespoon tomato puree

  • ½ pint brown stock

  • 2 tablespoons dry sherry

  • 4 oz frozen peas

  • ½ lb. cocktail sausages

  • Salt and pepper


  1. Set oven to 325 Fahrenheit or mark three.

  2. Heat the butter in a pan, gently fry the onions and mushrooms for 5 minutes, then transfer to a casserole dish.

  3. Skin the kidneys, cut them in half and remove the core.

  4. Dredge them in the flour and sauté gently for a few minutes.

  5. Add the tomato puree, stock, and sherry to the pan and mix well.

  6. Pour into the casserole dish and season.

  7. Cover and cook for about 20 minutes, then add the peas and cook for a further 25 minutes until the kidneys are tender.

  8. Meanwhile, grill or sauté the sausages (chipolatas’ cut in half can be used if necessary) until they are golden brown and add to the dish.

  9. Serve with potatoes and vegetables.

Courtesy of “Favourite Farmhouse Recipes”, compiled by Carole Gregory and published by J. Salmon Ltd.

Smoked Haddock Flan

For a printable version of this recipe, click here.

Flaked haddock with hard-boiled eggs in a cheesy sauce, with piped creamy Mashed potato. Serves 4 to 5.


  • 6 oz shortcrust pastry

  • 1 ½ lbs. smoked haddock, cooked and flaked

  • 1 small onion, thinly sliced

  • 2 hard-boiled eggs, sliced

  • ¼ butter

  • 2 oz grated cheddar cheese

  • 1 tablespoon flour

  • ½ pint milk (infused with slice of onion, herbs, bay leaf and peppercorns)

  • 1 ½ lb. cooked creamed mash potato

  • Salt and pepper


  1. Set oven to 400 Fahrenheit or mark six.

  2. Grease and eight inch loose bottom flan tin.

  3. Roll out the pastry on a floured surface, line the tin and trim the edge.

  4. Boil the peeled potatoes in salt water.

  5. Meanwhile cook the fish gently for a few minutes in water in a frying pan.

  6. Allow the fish to cool, remove the skin and flake the flesh.

  7. Arrange the fish in the flan, cover with onion and place the slices of hard-boiled eggs around the edge.

  8. Melt the butter in a small pan, stir in the flour and blend in half a pint of the strained infused milk.

  9. Add the cheese, season, and stir constantly over a gentle heat until the sauce thickens.

  10. Spoon the sauce over the flour, mash the potatoes and cream with a little butter and milk.

  11. Put the mashed potato in a piping bag with a large rose nozzle and pipe around the edge of the flan and across the center in a lattice pattern.

  12. Cook in the oven for 20 to 30 minutes until browned.

Courtesy of “Favourite Farmhouse Recipes”, compiled by Carole Gregory and published by J. Salmon Ltd.