Founded in 1930…

The DBE in Maryland, founded in 1930, is part of seven States in the DBE Eastern District that assist in DBE’s main goal to support charitable endeavors for the elderly to ensure they are treated with compassion and respect.

Currently, Maryland has two Chapters. Lord Baltimore’s Ark & Dove Chapter, founded in 1956 from the amalgamation of two Chapters in the greater Baltimore area, has 23 members. Lady Anne Arundel Chapter, in the Annapolis area, was organized in 1990 and some of our first members are still active. There are now 26 members.


Members at the National Council Meeting 2023 and Members attending the LBAD Coronation Brunch 2023

Members of the Maryland Lady Anne Arundel Chapter's recent 'fun' outing on July 21, 2021 to Wye River Designs, where we created our own 'jewelry' pendant, followed by lunch at a local restaurant. A good time was had by all.


Several members of Lady Anne Arundel Chapter received their 30-year pins at our first in-person meeting, held on May 16th.


Of Maryland’s many successful fundraisers through the years, our Fashion Shows and Teas were most popular.


We are a friendly group of women who have two purposes for our chapters. The first is that we are a charitable organization who raise funds for others, particularly our older population. Our second purpose is to share our heritage and enjoy the company of those who have a yen for a good story, memories and time for a glass of wine before and a cup of tea after with refreshments and chat. We welcome guests and new members to join our friendly meetings. Many good friendships have been started by the DBE. Please contact us: